I work with Talend 6.3. I want to concatenate 2 columns in tmap. But in specifics rows, there are multiple data and i want match them the first with the first of the row in the other column.
Example :
2 columns : Name and Surname
In Name, I have : Kevin,Zoe,Alan
In Surname, I have : Monta,Rey,Zom
I want an other row that concatenates Kevin with Monta, Zoe with Rey, Alan with Zom.
How do that with talend? Because in tmap if I concatenate classic, I will have only one success concatenation.
I don't know if I explained that correctly but tell me if someone need more information.
Thanks in advance
The job :
Add other data -> Login is the ID
So we have a flow with an ID and 2 columns (Name and Surname), each contain n elements. n can vary from row to row.
The goal is to have a final flow with the concatenation of all Name + Surname with the ID intact.
It's not a super Talend-y way, but you can use tFlowToIterate to access each row individually and do the pairing of Name + Surname.
After, we access the resulting list and use tNormalize to split it :
Code for the tJava component :
List<String> nameList = Arrays.asList(((String)globalMap.get("row5.Name")).split("\\s*,\\s*"));
List<String> surnameList = Arrays.asList(((String)globalMap.get("row5.Surname")).split("\\s*,\\s*"));
for (int index = 0; index < nameList.size(); index++) {
((ArrayList<String>) context.concat).add(((Integer)globalMap.get("row5.id")) + ";" + nameList.get(index) + ";" + surnameList.get(index));
Code for the tFixedFlowInput "Use context (list)" :