I need to add this to two or more JSP pages. I want to try to avoid boilerplate code and need this code snippet in several JSP pages.
I'm using Spring Boot for the backend.
ArrayList<String> maritalStatusList = new ArrayList<String>();
request.setAttribute("maritalStatusList", maritalStatusList);
Marital status/Estado civil
<select id="maritalStatus" name="maritalStatus">
<option value=""></option>
<c:forEach items="${maritalStatusList}" var="listItem">
<option value="${listItem}" <c:if test="${listItem eq demoEntity.maritalStatus}">selected="selected"</c:if> >
If you are using Spring Boot MVC, maybe it's better to insert maritalStatusList from the controller into the Model object. So you can use a method to generate the data of your ArrayList, let's say generateStatusList(), and from your Controller method, before returning the .jsp:
ArrayList <String> maritalStatusList = generateStatusList();
model.addAttribute("maritalStatusList", maritalStatusList);
And then you can access maritalStatusList with your .jsp code
Take a look at https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/web.html#mvc-ann-modelattrib-methods