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Using docx4j to bold specify word in a paragrah

I try to generate a simple text like this by Java into docx document

This is **bold** test

I search the online this part of the code will be the close one, however it bolds the whole line, not a specific word

ObjectFactory factory = Context.getWmlObjectFactory();
P p = factory.createP();
R r = factory.createR();
Text text = factory.createText();
RPr rpr = factory.createRPr();
text.setValue("This is bold test");
BooleanDefaultTrue boldTrue = new BooleanDefaultTrue();

This will bold all the paragraph, however I just want that word "bold" into bold, and keep remain unbold.

How can I fix this?


  • You can use the docx4j webapp or Word Helper AddIn to generate the code you need from a suitable sample Word docx.

    In this case:

        // Create object for p
        P p = wmlObjectFactory.createP(); 
            // Create object for r
            R r = wmlObjectFactory.createR(); 
            p.getContent().add( r); 
                // Create object for t (wrapped in JAXBElement) 
                Text text = wmlObjectFactory.createText(); 
                JAXBElement<org.docx4j.wml.Text> textWrapped = wmlObjectFactory.createRT(text); 
                r.getContent().add( textWrapped); 
                    text.setValue( "This is "); 
                    text.setSpace( "preserve"); 
            // Create object for r
            R r2 = wmlObjectFactory.createR(); 
            p.getContent().add( r2); 
                // Create object for rPr
                RPr rpr = wmlObjectFactory.createRPr(); 
                    // Create object for b
                    BooleanDefaultTrue booleandefaulttrue = wmlObjectFactory.createBooleanDefaultTrue(); 
                    // Create object for bCs
                    BooleanDefaultTrue booleandefaulttrue2 = wmlObjectFactory.createBooleanDefaultTrue(); 
                // Create object for t (wrapped in JAXBElement) 
                Text text2 = wmlObjectFactory.createText(); 
                JAXBElement<org.docx4j.wml.Text> textWrapped2 = wmlObjectFactory.createRT(text2); 
                r2.getContent().add( textWrapped2); 
                    text2.setValue( "bold"); 
            // Create object for r
            R r3 = wmlObjectFactory.createR(); 
            p.getContent().add( r3); 
                // Create object for t (wrapped in JAXBElement) 
                Text text3 = wmlObjectFactory.createText(); 
                JAXBElement<org.docx4j.wml.Text> textWrapped3 = wmlObjectFactory.createRT(text3); 
                r3.getContent().add( textWrapped3); 
                    text3.setValue( " test"); 
                    text3.setSpace( "preserve"); 

    Then your mainDocumentPart.getContent().add(p);