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Clojure - Assertions regarding sequences, using "identical?"

In my program I am trying to test my program by writing tests that verify the functionality of my defined functions. I am testing the equality of sequences after they have passed through my function.

Definition of my-reverse:

(defn my-reverse [coll]
  (if (empty? coll)
      (my-reverse (rest coll))
      (first coll)

I do not know why I am failing the assertion, as (my-reverse [1]) returns [1]. Here is the assertion:

(assert (identical? (my-reverse [1]) [1]))

Thank you all in advance!


  • identical? only returns true if the arguments refer to the same object, which will not be the case if your my-reverse function constructs a new list. You can just use =:

    (assert (= (my-reverse [1]) [1]))