I am trying to setup a build server in a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (CentoOS 8) virtual machine.
I installed podman by running sudo dnf install -y @container-tools
I then ran sudo podman pull mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1-buster-slim
to pull a container image from docker:
Trying to pull mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1-buster-slim...Getting image source signatures
Copying blob e936bd534ffb done
Copying blob caf64655bcbb done
Copying blob 4156e490f05f done
Copying blob 68ced04f60ab done
Copying blob 7064c3d93b4a done
Copying config e2cd20adb1 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
This looks successful to me. And if I run it again, I get told that the layers "already exists". But then I run:
podman image ls
and I get an empty list back:
I also tried the following commands to get a list:
podman image ls -a
podman image list
podman image list -a
podman images
podman images ls
podman images ls -a
podman images list
podman images list -a
They all give an empty list.
How can I see the container image that I pulled down?
Update: I ran sudo podman run --rm --name=linuxconfig-test -p 80:80 httpd
and (on another machine) browsed to the ip address of my linux machine and got It Works!
shown. So podman is working at least in part.
Turns out you have to run using sudo
. I ran :
sudo podman image ls
and it returned the list of container images.