I am trying to modify fabric-sdk-node
project to use it with RSA certs and keys.
And for now I have no idea on how to produce a SKI (X509v3 Subject Key Identifier) with a RSA public key.
That project is using jsrsasign
package on the crypto things.
I have found in the jsrsasign
issue page on Github.com which can produce SKI with ECDSA, but still no clue in the RSA ones.
Any advice will be welcomed!
I have almost test every method in package jsrsasign
, but still not found anything useful.
So I look outside the box and think, the X509V3 Subject Key Identifier(SKI) was produced by the default sha1
hash algo. However, what we have done in the hyperledger/fabric, defined that the hash algo to be sha256
. So what if the jsrsasign
has made that hash algo hardcoded with sha1
? (This is a guess, please correct me if I am wrong.)
With that thought, I have tried on another package node-forge
, which just solved my problem.
Here is the demo:
const nodeForge = require("node-forge");
const pki = nodeForge.pki;
const jsrsa = require("jsrsasign");
const KEYUTIL = jsrsa.KEYUTIL;
const rsaPubKeyPem = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
const pubKey = KEYUTIL.getKey(rsaPubKeyPem);
const publicKey = pki.rsa.setPublicKey(pubKey.n,pubKey.e);
md: nodeForge.sha256.create(),
encoding: 'hex',
delimiter: ':'}));
And we have got the exactly same SKI as the openssl did. This will import another crypto package, and it looked ugly. Please advise if you have any good ideas.