I'm trying to use Apache Commons VFS with FTP. On my FTP a have the next structure of files and folders:
I need to connect and read all files from folder /test/in (it changes all the time). Code:
FileSystemManager fsManager = null;
FileSystem fs = null;
FileSystemOptions opts = new FileSystemOptions();
fsManager = VFS.getManager();
FileObject path = fsManager.resolveFile("ftp://user:password@my.ftp.host/test/in/", opts);
fs = path.getFileSystem();
//prints Connection successfully established to /test/in
System.out.println("Connection successfully established to " + path.getName().getPath());
But I couldn't got file list, because it says that /test/in does not exist. A made some tests to check file types:System.out.println(path.getType());
with different paths. Results:
ftp://user:password@my.ftp.host/test - file
ftp://user:password@my.ftp.host/test/in - imaginary
ftp://user:password@my.ftp.host/test/in/file1.txt - file
FileType.IMAGINARY means that file does not exist. Any ideas how to work with ftp folders?
Just set 'passive' mode for ftp:
FtpFileSystemConfigBuilder.getInstance().setPassiveMode(opts, true);