Search code examples

looping over an array of mongodb document ids and querying that id and storing the result in a new array gives empty array

Below is the code I am having issues with:

    const users = []
    event.registeredUsers.forEach(userId => {
            User.findOne({ _id: userId }).then(user => {
                console.log(user) // logs a valid user

    console.log(users) // logs empty array

The event is a MongoDB document that has registeredUsers field which is an array of MongoDB object Ids. When console logging the user returned in the then block it does shows a valid user document but when res.send(users) after the loop has been finished, it shows empty array in the browser.


  • You are trying to execute promise based code inside forEach which doesnt work the way you expect it work. Use either for..of or Promise.all

    for..of (sequential)

    const users = []
    for(const userId of event.registeredUsers) {
        User.findOne({ _id: userId }).then(user => {
           console.log(user) // logs a valid user

    Promise.all (in parallel)

    Promise.all( => {
        return User.findOne({ _id: userId }).then(user => {
           console.log(user) // logs a valid user
           return user;
     }).then(users => console.log(users));