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Whats wrong with this simple NodeJS crypto function?

I'm trying to perform AES CBC encryption with zero padding of a url query string. I'm using NodeJS's core crypto module. It's for use with

I have a key and IV. When testing the following function I'm not getting the string returned in full. I believe this has to do with padding but am unsure how to apply it correct.

If it is the padding, can anyone show me how I should apply it? If not where am I going wrong? Also is of significance in this usercase?

Update: I've now included and things work fine with binary format but base64 gives me the truncated result. is my full example code. Below is the crypto function:

function cryptoTest(data, key, iv, format) {
   var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-cbc', key, iv);
   var cipherChunks = [];
   cipherChunks.push(cipher.update(data, 'utf8', format));

   var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-128-cbc', key, iv);
   var plainChunks = [];
   for (var i = 0;i < cipherChunks.length;i++) {
        plainChunks.push(decipher.update(cipherChunks[i], format, 'utf8'));

   return {
       "encrypted": cipherChunks.join(''),
       "decrypted": plainChunks.join('')



  • You are not putting the ciphertext returned by into the decipher. Here's a simplified example. You need to collect the return values from every call to cipher.update as well as and make sure each of those objects gets put into decipher.update.

    UPDATE: here's a version that works fine with binary or hex as the encoding for the cipher text, but fails with base64. I have no idea why this is, but if you are OK with hex that should work fine.

    UPDATE 2: Looks like base64 is a bug in node itself. See this answer to a similar question.

        var crypto = require('crypto');
        var data = "I am the clear text data";
        console.log('Original cleartext: ' + data);
        var algorithm = 'aes-128-cbc';
        var key = 'mysecretkey';
        var clearEncoding = 'utf8';
        var cipherEncoding = 'hex';
        //If the next line is uncommented, the final cleartext is wrong.
        //cipherEncoding = 'base64';
        var cipher = crypto.createCipher(algorithm, key);
        var cipherChunks = [];
        cipherChunks.push(cipher.update(data, clearEncoding, cipherEncoding));
        console.log(cipherEncoding + ' ciphertext: ' + cipherChunks.join(''));
        var decipher = crypto.createDecipher(algorithm, key);
        var plainChunks = [];
        for (var i = 0;i < cipherChunks.length;i++) {
          plainChunks.push(decipher.update(cipherChunks[i], cipherEncoding, clearEncoding));
        console.log("UTF8 plaintext deciphered: " + plainChunks.join(''));