I need something to prefix my input text in MaterializeCss. Although it provides 'prefix' class to serve that purpose, it doesn't work properly when I need to add multiple words as a span. For your information, I need something equivalent to Bootstrap input-group-addon class.
<div class="container">
<div class="input-field">
<span class="prefix">Full Name</span>
<input type="text" name="" id="" />
<div class="input-field">
<i class="prefix material-icons">attach_money</i>
<input type="text" name="" id="" />
this picture shows when I use a single icon it works fine but breaks down in case for multiple words
I highly appreciate your wise replies.
I think you've misunderstood what the materializecss prefix is. As it states in the docs, it is called Icon Prefix - out of the box they provide the ability to prefix with an icon:
Icon Prefixes You can add an icon prefix to make the form input label even more clear. Just add an icon with the class prefix before the input and label.
<div class="input-field col s6">
<i class="material-icons prefix">mode_edit</i>
<textarea id="icon_prefix2" class="materialize-textarea"></textarea>
<label for="icon_prefix2">First Name</label>
The span class of .prefix that you're trying to add doesn't exist in materialize - it is for the icon tag.
"Full name", the way you are trying to use it, as a clue to what the input is - would be a label element. A prefix allows you to provide information that adds to the input (such as a dollar sign) or a shorthand, for instance an email symbol.
You could custom code the same feature from bootstrap, but it is a very different element altogether - and you need to rephrase the question as saying the prefix isn't working correctly is not accurate.
If we dive into the css for the default, rather than using flex in Bootstrap, materializecss uses absolute positioning, because it is meant for icons that have standard consistent width:
.input-field .prefix {
position: absolute;
width: 3rem;
font-size: 2rem;
-webkit-transition: color .2s;
transition: color .2s;
top: .5rem;
input-field .prefix ~ input {
margin-left: 3rem;
width: 92%;
width: calc(100% - 3rem);
The icon is given 3rem width, and then the input is given 3rem margin-left to accommodate it. I've adjusted these values up to 10rem to make it work for your text input - but if the text was any longer or shorter, you'd need to manually update this new rem value: