When creating an input by javascript, mobile safari does not choose the right keyboard. For first input
the decimalPad-keyboard is shown, but for second input
only the numbersAndPunctuation-keyboard is shown.
How can I fix this?
let myInput = document.createElement('input');
myInput.id = 'second';
myInput.type = 'number';
myInput.min = '0';
myInput.step = 'any';
myInput.inputmode = 'decimal';
first input: <input id='first' type='number' min='0' step='any' inputmode='decimal'>
<div id='here'>second input: </div>
Instead of using :
myInput.inputmode = 'decimal';
use this:
myInput.inputMode = 'decimal'; // uppercase M
In general the "DOM attributes" for html nodes are usually written in camelCase if you use javascript! Inside the HTML you will use the "alllowercase" version. "DON'T ASK WHY. ;-)". But it is more recommended to use setAttribute()
method on nodes because this will always end up in an DOM element attribute no matter what ever you writin'