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Jqplot - How to dinamically change the tooltipLocation according to the point position on the grid?


The code below in jsfidle shows an image and a text for some points.


The problem is that I didn't find a way to dinamically change the tooltip position and to some points the image appears outside the grid.

    $(document).ready(function () {
        var url= ""
        var line1 = [['01', 650, ""], ['02', 600, url+"img_fev.jpg"], ['04', 330, url+"imagem_abr.jpg"], ['06', 280, ""], ['08', 230, url+"imagem_ago.jpg"], ['10', 320, url+"imagem_out.jpg"],['11', 600, url+"imagem_nov.jpg"], ['12', 630, ""]];    
        var plot2 = $.jqplot('test', [line1], {
            seriesDefaults: {
                 rendererOptions: {
                     smooth: true
            axes: {
                xaxis: {
                    renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
                    tickOptions:{formatString: "%b"},
                    tickInterval: '1 month'
            series: [{ lineWidth: 2,
            highlighter: { 
                show: true,
                useAxesFormatters: false,
                tooltipContentEditor: tooltipContentEditor,

        function tooltipContentEditor(str, seriesIndex, pointIndex, plot) {
          div = "<div>";
          if ([seriesIndex][pointIndex][2] != ""){
             div+= "<img src='" +[seriesIndex][pointIndex][2] + "''/>";
          div+= "<figcaption style='text-align: center; background:#D0D0D0'>" +[seriesIndex][pointIndex][1] + "m</figcaption></div>"
          return div;

The question is:

How can I define the tooltipLocation opposite to the point position, for example, if the point is on the grid's quadrant "ne", define the tooltipLocation as "sw"?


  • Looking for a solution I found this answer that allowed me to find a way. I didn't find a way to change the tooltipLocation, but by changing the layout of the div, I have the desired positioning.

    That answer shows, among other things, how to know the x, y coordinates of the point and this allows you to find out in which part of the grid the point and the tooltip are in.

    I included a css and changed the tooltipContentEditor function to identify the X and Y coordinates and create an id for the divso that the appropriate style is applied. The code looks like this:


    #tooltipdivnw {
      position: absolute;
      bottom: 0px;
      right: 0px;
    #tooltipdivsw {
      position: absolute;
      top: 12px;
      right: 0px;
    #tooltipdivne {
      position: absolute;
      bottom: 0px;
      left: 8px;
    #tooltipdivse {
      position: absolute;
      top: 12px;
      left: 12px;

    function tooltipContentEditor:

    function tooltipContentEditor(str, seriesIndex, pointIndex, plot) {
        var div = "<div"; 
        // get X, Y of point in grid
        var data = plot.series[seriesIndex].data;
        var x = plot.axes.xaxis.series_u2p(data[pointIndex][0]);
        var y = plot.axes.yaxis.series_u2p(data[pointIndex][1]);
        // Point on the right or left portion of the grid?
        var loc = ( x > ( plot.grid._plotDimensions.width / 2) );
        // In top or bottom portion?      
        loc =  (loc << 1 ) | ( y > ( plot.grid._plotDimensions.height / 2) );
        switch (loc) {                                                          
            case 0 : div+= " id='tooltipdivse'>";  // point in top-left, div in 'se'
            case 1 : div+= " id='tooltipdivne'>";  // point in bottom-left, div in 'ne'
            case 2 : div+= " id='tooltipdivsw'>";  // point in top-right, div in 'sw'
            case 3 : div+= " id='tooltipdivnw'>";  // point in bottom-right, div in 'nw'
        // if have an image, add
        if ([seriesIndex][pointIndex][2] != ""){
            div+= "<img src='" +[seriesIndex][pointIndex][2] + "''/>";
        div+= "<figcaption style='text-align: center; background:#D0D0D0'>" +[seriesIndex][pointIndex][1] + "m</figcaption></div>"
        return div;

    In this jsfidle you can see the before and here the after.