I am performing pagination inside and Observable stream. The pagination is implemented with a cursor and a total count using recursion.
I am able to emit the every page using the following code observer.next(searches);
, by the way I would like to use just observable and no promises but I cannot express recursion using RxJs operators.
Any suggestions?
const search = id =>
new Observable(observer => { recursePages(id, observer) })
const recursePages = (id, observer, processed, searchAfter) => {
size: 50,
...searchAfter ? { search_after: searchAfter } : null,
.toPromise() // httpService.post returns an Observable<AxiosResponse>
.then(res => {
const body = res.data;
const searches = body.data.hits.map(search => ({ data: search.data, cursor: search.id }));
const totalProcessed = processed + searches.length;
if (totalProcessed < body.data.total) {
return recursePages(id, observer, totalProcessed, searches[searches.length - 1].cursor);
// General Observer
flatMap(msg => search(JSON.parse(msg.content.toString()))),
these methods will recursively gather all the pages and emit them in an array. the pages can then be streamed with from as shown:
// break this out to clean up functions
const performSearch = (id, searchAfter?) => {
return httpService.post(
size: 50,
...searchAfter ? { search_after: searchAfter } : null,
// main recursion
const _search = (id, processed, searchAfter?) => {
return performSearch(id, searchAfter).pipe( // get page
switchMap(res => {
const body = res.data;
const searches = body.data.hits.map(search => ({ data: search.data, cursor: search.id }));
const totalProcessed = processed + searches.length;
if (totalProcessed < body.total) {
// if not done, recurse and get next page
return _search(id, totalProcessed, searches[searches.length - 1].cursor).pipe(
// attach recursed pages
map(nextPages => [searches].concat(nextPages)
// if we're done just return the page
return of([searches]);
// entry point
// switch into from to emit pages one by one
const search = id => _search(id, 0).pipe(switchMap(pages => from(pages))
if what you really need is all of the pages to emit one by one before they're all fetched, for instance so you can show page 1 as soon as it's available rather than wait on page 2+, then that can be done with some tweaking. let me know.
EDIT: this method will emit one by one
const _search = (id, processed, searchAfter?) => {
return performSearch(id, searchAfter).pipe( // get page
switchMap(res => {
const body = res.data;
const searches = body.data.hits.map(search => ({ data: search.data, cursor: search.id }));
const totalProcessed = processed + searches.length;
if (totalProcessed < body.total) {
// if not done, concat current page with recursive call for next page
return concat(
_search(id, totalProcessed, searches[searches.length - 1].cursor)
// if we're done just return the page
return of(searches);
const search = id => _search(id, 0)
you end up with an observable structure like:
and since nested concat()
operations reduce to a flattened structure, this structure would reduce to:
concat(post$(page1), post$(page2), post$(page3), post$(page4))
which is what you're after and the requests run sequentially.
it also seems like expand might do the trick as per @NickL 's comment, soemthing like:
search = (id) => {
let totalProcessed = 0;
return performSearch(id).pipe(
expand(res => {
const body = res.data;
const searches = body.data.hits.map(search => ({ data: search.data, cursor: search.id }));
totalProcessed += searches.length;
if (totalProcessed < body.data.total) {
// not done, keep expanding
return performSearch(id, searches[searches.length - 1].cursor);
return EMPTY; // break with EMPTY
though I've never used expand before and this is based off some very limited testing of it, but I am pretty certain this works.
both of these methods could use the reduce (or scan) operator to gather results if you ever wanted:
search(id).pipe(reduce((all, page) => all.concat(page), []))