Component-1 has method-A when it get call in subscription, I need array list to check some conditions which is only get from method-Z in component-2. The data will get from DB so i need to wait Method-A condition call untill the arraylist will get.
Here, checkArrayList() is method which check weather the arraylist will gets data. this.shareDataService.isLoading flag is true/false in method-z calls. when data load from db this.shareDataService.arrayList will get updaded.
let checkArrayList = async isLoad => {
do {
isLoad = this.shareDataService.isLoading;// true/false in method-z
if (isLoad) {
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 500))
} else {
console.log(this.shareDataService.arrayList); // data will get here
while (isLoad) //when isload false while loop will break.
checkArrayList(this.shareDataService.isLoading); // calling function in method-A