Let's say I have a variable named data
in app.component.ts
which is of type :string
In app.component.html
I am showing the value of data
to the UI using string interpolation like {{data}}
Now my question is while displaying the value in a UI, I need to apply some css to some specific letters present in a data
For example:
data : string = "stack overflow"
How to highlight the background color of the word overflow using css?. And I hear that Pipes can be used to modify the value. But here I am in a need of applying css.
And one more constraint is there, initially the value will be displayed to the browser; the word to be highlighted will be coming from input
You could use something among the lines of:
highlightKeyWord(sentence: string, keyWord: string) {
sentence = sentence.replace(keyWord,
`<span style="background-color: #35a5f8;">${keyWord}</span>`);
return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(sentence);
<p [innerHTML]="highlightKeyWord('hello world', 'world')"></p>