The following query below returns me a collection of data based on a user id. How do I do I make sure it returns the uid of each document in the query.
getWebsitesByUserId(id) {
return this.afs.collection('websites', ref => ref.where('createdBy', '==', id)).valueChanges();
I understand that it involves something like this:
return this.afs.collection('websites').doc(id).snapshotChanges().pipe(map(action => {
const data =;
const uid =;
return {uid,};
Just not sure how to implement in a query.
According to this pull request on the AngularFire Repo now there is an option that you can pass a string to the valueChanges method on a collection reference.
This string will be the name of the property that will hold the IDs of the documents.
For example:
Would emit:
emits [ { myIdKey: 'MrfFpRBfWLTd7LqiTt9u', }, ... ]
So in your situation I guess it would be something like this:
getWebsitesByUserId(id) {
return this.afs.collection('websites', ref => ref.where('createdBy', '==', id)).valueChanges('uid');