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What does 'outer' mean in this prosemirror code?

Here is prosemirror js line of code:

applyTransaction(rootTr) {
    outer: for (;;) {

What does mean 'outer' before infinite loop in this javascript code?


Full code of the function:

  applyTransaction(rootTr) {
    if (!this.filterTransaction(rootTr)) return {state: this, transactions: []}

    let trs = [rootTr], newState = this.applyInner(rootTr), seen = null
    // This loop repeatedly gives plugins a chance to respond to
    // transactions as new transactions are added, making sure to only
    // pass the transactions the plugin did not see before.
    outer: for (;;) { // <--- this line !!!
      let haveNew = false
      for (let i = 0; i < this.config.plugins.length; i++) {
        let plugin = this.config.plugins[i]
        if (plugin.spec.appendTransaction) {
          let n = seen ? seen[i].n : 0, oldState = seen ? seen[i].state : this
          let tr = n < trs.length &&
    , n ? trs.slice(n) : trs, oldState, newState)
          if (tr && newState.filterTransaction(tr, i)) {
            tr.setMeta("appendedTransaction", rootTr)
            if (!seen) {
              seen = []
              for (let j = 0; j < this.config.plugins.length; j++)
                seen.push(j < i ? {state: newState, n: trs.length} : {state: this, n: 0})
            newState = newState.applyInner(tr)
            haveNew = true
          if (seen) seen[i] = {state: newState, n: trs.length}
      if (!haveNew) return {state: newState, transactions: trs}


  • It's a label.

    The labeled statement can be used with break or continue statements. It is prefixing a statement with an identifier which you can refer to.

    Glancing at the linked source, my first guess is that it's there so plugins can refer to it.