Given a system using Kotlin version 1.3.61 and JOOQ version 3.13.1, a method like this builds an union
query normally:
val selectCommonPart = coalesce(sum(field(name("amount"),, ZERO)
var whereCommonPart: Condition = trueCondition().and(field(name("Id")).eq(Id)) // Id comes as a parameter
var query = dsl.selectQuery()
query.addFrom(table("${tableName(startDate)}")) // `startDate` is a `LocalDate`, `tableName()` generates the table name as String
// `endDate` is also a `LocalDate`, can be either equal to `startDate` or after
if (endDate.isAfter(startDate)) {
for (date in Stream.iterate(startDate.plusDays(1), { d: LocalDate -> d.plusDays(1) })
.limit(ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(startDate, endDate))
.collect(Collectors.toList())) {
val unionQuery = dsl.selectQuery()
// Here `union` is inferred correctly
However, if I isolate the
part in a method like:
private fun buildSelect(selectCommonPart: Field<*>, whereCommonPart: Condition, date: LocalDate): Select<*> {
var query = dsl.selectQuery()
return query
And modify the loop to use:
// Remove this part
/* var query = dsl.selectQuery()
query.addFrom(table("${tableName(startDate)}")) // `startDate` is a `LocalDate`, `tableName()` generates the table name as String
query.addConditions(whereCommonPart) */
// Add this part
var query = buildSelect(selectCommonPart, whereCommonPart, startDate)
if (endDate.isAfter(startDate)) {
for (date in Stream.iterate(startDate.plusDays(1), { d: LocalDate -> d.plusDays(1) })
.limit(ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(startDate, endDate))
.collect(Collectors.toList())) {
// This gives an inference error
query.union(buildSelect(selectCommonPart, whereCommonPart, date))
I have an inference error. Kotlin resolves union
as this method:
* Returns a set containing all distinct elements from both collections.
* The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original collection.
* Those elements of the [other] collection that are unique are iterated in the end
* in the order of the [other] collection.
* To get a set containing all elements that are contained in both collections use [intersect].
public infix fun <T> Iterable<T>.union(other: Iterable<T>): Set<T> {
val set = this.toMutableSet()
return set
I want to use JOOQ's Select<*>
's union
public interface Select<R extends Record> extends ResultQuery<R>, TableLike<R>, FieldLike {
* Apply the <code>UNION</code> set operation.
Select<R> union(Select<? extends R> select);
What should I do to infer the correct union
Ok, I found out how to fix your issue.
Method buildSelect should returns Select< Record>, not Select< *>.
My suggestion why it happens:
The Select.union method has the following signature
public interface Select<R extends Record> extends ResultQuery<R>, TableLike<R>, FieldLike {
Select<R> union(Select<? extends R> var1);
As you can see, var1 should have the same generic( or extended) type as the object on which method was called. In your first implementation, method dsl.selectQuery() returns SelectQuery< Record> and both are variables query and unionQuery have the same generic type and the union method is correctly determined.
In the second implementation, query and the argument of query.union(...) have Select< *> type. I guess that the compiler thinks that both variables have different generic(since it is not determined and can be different) and the compiler can't use union from Select, but both variables implement Iterable and compiler choose Iterable.union since it fits.