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Passing an object from Javascript to C++

I have found Passing an array from Javascript to C++ solution, but I have another task: Passing an object from Javascript to C++ (if I use IWebBrowser2 with IDispatch)

I mean that I need call C++ method via window.external.method with JavaScript object argument

var obj = {name: "Petr", group: "Friend"};

How to get access to object member "name", "group", etc. ?


  • You can access the object's properties via the IDispatch interface and its methods GetIDsOfNames and Invoke.

    Depending on your definition of myMethod, you should be receiving obj as either a VARIANT or an IDispatch * in your C++ code. If a VARIANT, vt should be VT_DISPACTH, in which case you can safely dereference pdispval.

    Once you have an IDispatch pointer, you can use GetIDsOfNames to get the DISPID for a property that you're interested in like so:

    _bstr_t sPropertyName = L"myProperty";
    DISPID dispid = 0;
    HRESULT hr = pDispatch->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &sPropertyName, 1, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, &dispid);

    Once you have successfully received your DISPID, you must call Invoke differently according to whether you would like to get a value, set a value or call a method.

    For instance, to get a value:

        VARIANT vValue;
        hr = pDispatch->Invoke(dispid, IID_NULL, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, 0, &vValue, 0, 0);

    See the documentation for Invoke for more information about the different permutations when calling it.