int SeriesToOne(int n) {
if (n == 1) {
cout << "(" << 1 << "*" << 1 << ") = ";
return 1;
cout << "(" << n << "*" << n << ") + ";
return (n * n) + SeriesToOne(n - 1); }
Hey so I'm writing a program thats supposed to calculate the sum of squares in a sequence using recursion.
I'm writing two functions, one that calculates it going from 1 to N and one that calculates it going from N to 1, and outputting the process. The above code is the function that I wrote for N to 1, but I'm having a lot of trouble with going from 1 to N.
I don't know how to properly write out the base case and get to that base case without adding a second argument to the function (the assignment specifies one argument).
If anyone could help me out, that'd be awesome! And sorry if I didn't format this post or put it in the wrong section, first time poster.
Ok, so as you need to know the value of n inside the recursion function because of the base condition, you can either declare variable as global or you can pass it to function in every call like below:
int SeriesToN(int n, int N) {
if (n == N) {
cout << "(" << n << "*" << n << ") = ";
return n * n;
cout << "(" << n << "*" << n << ") + ";
return (n * n) + SeriesToN(n + 1, N);
Then call the function like follow if n = 4:
SeriesToN(1, 4);
This should solve you problem. Happy coding!