I have a sheet structured like this:
|date | jan 1 | jan2 |jan3 |
|empl1 | 3 | 5 |8 |
|empl2 | 4 | 7 |6 |
|empl3 | 1 | 2 |9 |
Which I would like to unpivot so it looks like this:
|empl1 | jan 1 | 3 |
|empl2 | jan 1 | 4 |
|empl3 | jan 1 | 1 |
|empl1 | jan2 | 5 |
|empl2 | jan2 | 7 |
|empl3 | jan2 | 2 |
|empl1 | jan3 | 8 |
|empl2 | jan3 | 6 |
|empl3 | jan3 | 9 |
Is there a way to acheive this with formulae, if so, how? Or can this only be acheived through script?
Any help or nudge in the correct direction would be much appreciated.
You could do this with an Apps Script Custom Function.
First, open a bound script by selecting Tools > Script editor
, and copy the following function to the script (check inline comments):
function matrixToVector(values) {
var output = [];
var headers = values.shift(); // Remove and retrieve the headers row
for (var i = 1; i < values[0].length; i++) { // Iterate through each column
for (var j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { // Iterate through each row
output.push([values[j][0], headers[i], values[j][i]]);
return output;
Once it is defined, you can use this function the same you would any sheets built-in function: