I have a string like
Deser't - & Fest !
how to format this string is seo friendly like Desert-Fest
In php I use the above function
function cleanString($str, $separator = "-"){
$q_separator = preg_quote($separator);
$trans = array(
'&.+?;' => '',
'[^a-z0-9 _-]' => '',
'\s+' => $separator,
'('.$q_separator.')+' => $separator
$str = strip_tags($str);
foreach ($trans as $key => $val){
$str = preg_replace("#".$key."#i", $val, $str);
$str = strtolower($str);
return trim($str, $separator);
How to do this in Jquery?
Half of your solution is to HTML-decode the entities in the input. That can be done in JS like this, or jQuery like this.
From there you can use a regular expression to remove any characters from the resulting string that you don't want, like this:
function htmlDecode(input) {
var e = document.createElement('textarea');
e.innerHTML = input;
return e.childNodes.length === 0 ? "" : e.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
let input = "Deser't - & Fest !";
let output = htmlDecode(input);
output = output.replace(/[^a-z-]/gi, ''); // remove anything that isn't a-Z or -