Some time flow can't continue. if I reload then working fine. this kind of problem arises for some users in Directline. the problem not phased in MS-Teams any user.
when I sent a message with hero card buttons and that hero card continues looping. it does not raise problems all the time. only rise some users only Directline specific.
I used bot framework v4 in NodeJS. any idea about why this kind of problem arises?
in bot flow, I have 2 hero cards, one card I sent then I write this return Dialog.EndOfTurn; so user input I got. in the next set I sent the second card. but the second step does not get the flow sometimes. for diretcline some random users.
Here code:
let choiceButtons = [];
questionObject.answers.forEach(answerItem => {
type: ActionTypes.ImBack,
title: answerItem.answer,
value: answerItem.answer
// construct hero card.
const card = CardFactory.heroCard('', undefined, choiceButtons, {text: ''});
let reply = {type: ActivityTypes.Message};
// add card to Activity.
reply.attachments = [card];
reply.text = questionObject.question.toString();
await step.context.sendActivity(reply);
return Dialog.EndOfTurn;
The problem was resolved by updating Microsoft Bot Framework all packages update with 4.7, packages look like:
"botbuilder": "4.7.2",
"botbuilder-ai": "4.7.2",
"botbuilder-azure": "4.7.2",
"botbuilder-dialogs": "4.7.2",
"botframework-config": "4.7.2",
"botframework-connector": "4.7.2",