In this jsFiddle I have a Fabric rect that can be dragged. What I need to know is how much the rect was dragged horizontally (X) and vertically (Y).
I'm capturing the moving event, but I have trouble finding the shift in X and Y. How to print the X/Y measure taken from the event? Note that the initial position is x=50, y=50. if I move the rect, then stop and then move again, the shift should be relative to x=50, y=50.
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
var coords = new fabric.Textbox("not moved yet", {
fontSize: 16,
width: 300
var text = new fabric.Textbox("Drag me", {
left: 50,
top: 50,
width: 100,
backgroundColor: 'yellow',
canvas.on('object:moving', function(e) {
var x =;
var y =;
coords.text = 'Moved x = ' + x + ', y = ' + y;
You can keep track of the change yourself, just save the initial coordinates into separate variables.
let lastX = text.left
let lastY =
canvas.on('object:moving', function (e) {
const diffX = - lastX
const diffY = - lastY
coords.text = 'Moved x = ' + diffX + ', y = ' + diffY