is there a way of getting the completions suggestions from ropemacs' rope-code-assist (bound to "M-/" in ropemode) to use in another command?
What I'm trying to do is something like this:
(defun rope-completions-in-ido ()
(ido-completing-read "Suggested Completions: " mylist))))
(define-key py-mode-map (kbd "M-/") 'rope-completions-in-ido)
Edit:Switched to python.el, and it magically started working, no need for the above hack. Simply calling rope-code-assist now brings up the suggestions in the minibuffer in an ido way.
(As mentioned in edit) Switched to python.el, and it magically started working, no need for the above hack. Simply calling rope-code-assist now brings up the suggestions in the minibuffer in an ido way.