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How to authenticate specific route to user with specific role in laravel Milldeware

I have multiple users with multiple permissions. A user can belong to the only single role but that role can have multiple permissions like create, read, update, delete. And I have a RoleMiddleware. I am authenticating the user in roleMiddleware. But how can I protect routes in RoleMiddleware against a specific user?

For Example, I have a route create-case which can only be accessed by the operator or by Admin else everyone redirects to 404 error how Can I deal with it in RoleMiddleware.

I have written basic code for authentication where every user with their roles is authenticated but I am getting how can I code in middleware so ever route when a user hits it may go to the RoleMiddleware where middleware Authenticate route to the Role and then give him the access.

Role Middleware

class RoleMiddleware
    public function handle($request, Closure $next, $permission = null)

        if (Auth::check() === false)
            return redirect('login');
        elseif (Auth::check() === true)
            $roles = Role::all()->pluck('slug');

            if (is_null($request->user()) )
            if (!$request->user()->hasRole($roles))

            if ($request->user())
                if ($request->user()->hasRole($roles))
                    return $next($request);

Case Controller:


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Cases;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Http\Requests\CaseStoreRequest;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Session;

class CaseController extends Controller
    use DropzoneFileUploadTraits;

    public function __construct()


    public function index()
        $data['portal'] = Portal::all();
        $data['operators'] = Operator::all();

        return view('case', $data);

    public function caseList()
        $user = new User();
        $isAdmin = $user->isAdmin();

        $loggedIn = Auth::id();

        $cases = Cases::with('patients', 'portal')
            ->when(!$isAdmin, function ($query) use ($loggedIn) {
                return $query->where('user_id', $loggedIn);
            })->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();

        $data['cases'] = $cases;

        return view('case_list', $data);


Route::get('create-case', 'Cases\CaseController@index')->name('create-case');
Route::post('case-submit', 'Cases\CaseController@caseSubmit')->name('case-submit');
Route::post('edit-patient-case-submit', 'Cases\CaseController@editPatientCaseSubmit')->name('edit-patient-case-submit');
Route::get('case-list', 'Cases\CaseController@caseList')->name('case-list');


  • Best way to do that in a clean manner would be to create policies on the targeted entities. Laravel policies allow you to :

    • Bind a route authorization logic to a policy action

    • Easily call a policy action result from anywhere else in the project (views, controllers and so on).

    The subject is well covered in Laravel documentation so I suggest you go there and take a look. Do not forget to register the policy and bind it to your model.

    Apart from that this should do the trick.

    class CasePolicy
        use HandlesAuthorization;
        public function create(User $user){
            $roles = ['operator','Admin']
            return $user->hasRole($roles);

    Then in your route file :

    Route::get('create-case', 'Cases\CaseController@index')->name('create-case')->middleware('can:create,App\Case');