I am trying to set an active class based on the value in ng-repeat. I am able to achieve it on the first-page load based on the default but whenever the value is changed the class is not changed. I am using angularjs and here is my code
<div style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:5px;">
<a ng-repeat="sizes in mainproductsdata|unique:'SizeName' | filter:selectedcolor" data-ng-click="showdetailsbyid(sizes.SizeName);" ng-class="{'colorselected': '{{sizes.SizeName}}' == '{{selectedsize}}' , 'colornotselected': '{{sizes.SizeName}}' != '{{selectedsize}}' } " >{{sizes.SizeName}}</a>
$scope.showdetailsbyid = function (size) {
$scope.selectedsize = size;
You need not to add angular expression {{}}
in ng-class again. Try following code snippet.
<div style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:5px;">
<a ng-repeat="sizes in mainproductsdata|unique:'SizeName' | filter:selectedcolor"
ng-class="{'colorselected': sizes.SizeName == selectedsize , 'colornotselected': sizes.SizeName != selectedsize }">