Given this table of data:
I'd like to produce this pivot table:
I have an inkling this can be done with the calculated field, and SUMIF, but am not able to get it to work. I think the main blocker is that I'm not able to find good documentation for what I can reference inside of a calculated field formula. My best attempt was =SUMIF(color, "RED")/SUM(), but that produced zeros.
Example table at
Any guidance appreciated!
={QUERY(A1:B25,"select A,count(A)/"&COUNT(A:A)&" where B='RED' group by A label count(A)/"&COUNT(A:A)&" 'PCT RED'");{"Grand Total",COUNTIFS(A:A,">=0",B:B,"RED")/COUNT(A:A)}}
Function References
I think my concern here would be that with a normal pivot table it's robust against data moving around. This seems to break that by referencing specific columns