Is it possible to get notified that a signal is being connected to some slot?
For example, we have class Foo:
class Foo : public QObject
void fooChanged(int bar);
And somewhere, someone connects it:
Foo *foo = new Foo;
connect(foo, SIGNAL(fooChanged(int)),
other, SLOT(setFoo(int)));
I would like to get my code invoked when connect() is called, so I can register Foo in a server to receive the network events that will cause the signal to be emitted. This way, I could just connect the signal and the sender would automagically register in the server to receive the required events, which would be much less error-prone than requiring manual registration. For example, I could reimplement connect():
bool Foo::connect(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *slot,...)
// do something here, such as requesting a server to receive events that will cause the signal to be emitted
return QObject::connect(sender, signal, receiver, slot);
Unfortunately it wouldn't work when the static QObject::connect() is used. Or I could reimplement QObject::metaObject() to return a custom QMetaObject subclass where indexOfSignal() is reimplemented but this also doesn't seem possible and indexOfSignal() is also not virtual.
Any ideas? Thanks.
See the connectNotify() virtual method in QObject, this is the one you should reimplement.