I'm trying to replace my ProgressBar to a Progress Dialog using Mahapps.
So I started writing this:
private void btnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
public async void ConfRelais()
var controller = await this.ShowProgressAsync("hey", "hoy");
controller.Maximum = 128;
while (flag == 0)
string data = RelayBoard_Port.ReadTo("\r\n");
if (data == "ok") { controller.SetMessage("Done Process");
flag = 1; }
else { controller.SetProgress(Int32.Parse(data)); }
await controller.CloseAsync();
But the progress dialog only displays when it's over.. As I'm still a beginner in c# maybe I'm missing some importants points to setup that kind of function.
You should execute the loop on a background thread:
public async void ConfRelais()
var controller = await this.ShowProgressAsync("hey", "hoy");
controller.Maximum = 128;
await Task.Run(() =>
while (flag == 0)
string data = RelayBoard_Port.ReadTo("\r\n");
if (data == "ok")
controller.SetMessage("Done Process");
flag = 1;
else { controller.SetProgress(Int32.Parse(data)); }
await controller.CloseAsync();
A single thread cannot both update the UI and execute your loop simultaneously.
You also don't really need a flag. You could just break out of the loop when you receive "ok":
while (true)
string data = RelayBoard_Port.ReadTo("\r\n");
if (data == "ok")
controller.SetMessage("Done Process");
else { controller.SetProgress(Int32.Parse(data)); }