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How to list objects in a date range with aws-sdk-js?

I'm looking to list all the objects stored in S3 bucket between two dates using aws s3 javascript sdk.According to ListObjects function there is no parameter allowing to do that except a prefixor delimiter but in my case they are useless. Is there any solution to do that or I have to get the returned data then filter them according to LastModified?


  • According to the documentation and the answer I got according to the issue 3102, there is no existing api at the moment of writing this answer, so I do it manually:

    async function filteredKeysByDate(startDate, endDate) {
    const listedObjects = await s3.listObjects({
    Bucket: 'myBucket'
    Prefix: 'prefix'})
     return listedObjects.reduce((acc, file) => {
      if (file.LastModified >= startDate && file.LastModified <= endDate) {
        acc= acc.concat(file)
       return acc;
      }, [])