If I have some fixed co-ordinates for some nodes in a Graphstream graph, can I get Graphstream to "fill in the gaps" and auto-layout those nodes that don't have a manually specified location?
for example:
Node n1 = graph.addNode("n1");
Node n2 = graph.addNode("n2");
Node n3 = graph.addNode("n3");
Given the above, n2 doesn't have a location specified. Is it possible to ask GraphStream to infer it, rather than just not displaying it because it doesn't know where it is?
If I use viewer.disableAutoLayout();
, it won't display unlocated nodes; and if I use viewer.enableAutoLayout();
then it ignores my manual node locations.
There are some settings that can be used to (sort-of) do this, although the inferred locations aren't averages of the known ones.
Adapting the above code:
Node n1 = graph.addNode("n1");
Node n2 = graph.addNode("n2");
Node n3 = graph.addNode("n3");
SpringBox layout = new SpringBox(false,new Random(0));
Adding the layout.frozen
attributes to those nodes with known locations, will prevent them from being moved by the layout manager.
The inferred locations / edge lengths, however, aren't necessarily on the same scale as those known ones. This can be adjusted by setting a layout.weight
attribute on each node and each edge - as a number above 0. On the nodes, this sets how much each node repulses the adjacent nodes; and on edges it's a multiplier for the target edge length. See The Documentation for more details.