Array: 4,1,5,8,2,6,9,7,11,3
public static void quickSort(int arr[], int low, int high) {
System.out.println(low + " " + high);
while(low < high) {
int mid = quickPart(arr, low, high);
quickSort(arr, low, mid - 1);
quickSort(arr, mid + 1, high);
it's printing: 0 0 then 2 1, then again 0 0 and 2 1 and so on for + " " + high)
but for..
public static void quickSort(int arr[], int low, int high) {
System.out.println(low + " " + high);
if(low < high) {
int mid = quickPart(arr, low, high);
quickSort(arr, low, mid - 1);
quickSort(arr, mid + 1, high);
it's printing: 0 9, 0 1, 0 0, 2 1, 3 9, 3 3, 5 9... it's working fine.
partitioning code, if it helps..
public static int quickPart(int arr[], int low, int high) {
int pivot = arr[high];
int i = low - 1;
for(int j = low; j < high; j++) {
if(pivot > arr[j]) {
int temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = temp;
int temp = arr[i+1];
arr[i+1] = arr[high];
arr[high] = temp;
return i+1;
For if statement, code will terminate as soon as low >= high and for that it is reaching till 9, i.e., 9 > 9 terminate But for while + partitioning algorithm its printing 1 in repetition. Why is it behaving as such?
Your method doesn't change the values of low
and high
, so the loop's condition - (low < high)
will either never be true (and the loop will end immediately) or always be true (and the loop will be infinite).
This is a recursive algorithm, so you don't need a loop. You just need an if
statement that determines whether the recursion should continue or end.