I want to pass some data from Fragment to a DialogFragment (when I click a view by using onClickListener), but the data has empty values in Dialog.
While debugging I found that VO data has no problem. (log comments in my code works correctly)
So, I think that I am not using Bundle correctly.
What can I do to solve this problem?
AccountFragment.class (recyclerview bindViewHolder)
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) {
val accountVO = list[position]
val viewHolder = holder as AccountViewHolder
viewHolder.text_account_title.text = accountVO.title
viewHolder.text_account_bank.text = accountVO.bank
viewHolder.text_account_account.text = accountVO.account
viewHolder.text_account_name.text = accountVO.name
viewHolder.text_account.setOnClickListener() {
// log
// Toast.makeText(context, "${accountVO.title}, ${accountVO.content}", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
val accountFragment = AccountFragment()
val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.putString("title", accountVO.title)
bundle.putString("content", accountVO.content)
accountFragment.arguments = bundle
AccountDetailDialogFragment().show(activity?.supportFragmentManager as FragmentManager, "dialog_event")
class AccountDetailDialogFragment : DialogFragment() {
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
val view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.activity_account_detail_dialog_fragment, container, false)
view.text_account_detail_title.text = arguments?.getString("title")
view.text_account_detail_content.text = arguments?.getString("content")
isCancelable = false
return view
You didn't actually set the arguments on your AccountDetailDialogFragment
, you set it on your accountFragment
(which you didn't even use):
val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.putString("title", accountVO.title)
bundle.putString("content", accountVO.content)
val dialogFragment = AccountDetailDialogFragment()
dialogFragment.arguments = bundle
dialogFragment.show(requireActivity().supportFragmentManager, "dialog_event")
Note that you should make sure your AccountDetailDialogFragment
uses the right import for its superclass (you shouldn't need to cast the supportFragmentManager