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How to add values to the last row and to the right?

I have been working on a spreadsheet containing a table. I have made a code with inputbox that add new data to my table in column B and C. I am wondering how I, in addition, can add data to a third column that increase the value by 3 based on column C. Whatever I enter into column C, I want the corresponding cell in column D to be thrice as much.

    Public Sub InsertCargoNumber3()
Dim aaa As String, ar As Long
aaa = InputBox("Enter cargo number")

If aaa = "" Then
    Exit Sub
    ar = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    Range("b" & ar).Value = aaa
End If

Dim bbb As String, br As Long
bbb = InputBox("Enter Laycan Start Date")

If bbb = "" Then
    Exit Sub
    br = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Range("c" & br).Value = bbb

End Sub

Let's say in column C via the inputbox I enter 23.02.20, then in column D it should read 25.02.20

in advance, thanks


  • Please try this code.

    Public Sub InsertCargoNumber3()
        Dim aaa As String
        Dim ar As Long
        aaa = InputBox("Enter cargo number")
        If Len(aaa) Then
            ar = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row + 1
            Cells(ar, "B").Value = aaa
            aaa = InputBox("Enter Laycan Start Date")
            If Len(aaa) Then
                Cells(ar, "C").Value = aaa
                Cells(ar, "D").Value = Val(aaa) * 3
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Note that Subs and Functions are Public by default. It's when they are Private that they are special.

    If the second aaa is a date, multiplying that number with 3 must give a date far into the future but if you want that number formatted as a date I recommend to exchange the last line of code in the above procedure to be replaced with this.

    With Cells(ar, "D")
        .Value = Val(aaa) * 3
        .NumberFormat = "dd-mm-yyyy"      ' or whatever format you prefer
    End With

    Frankly, I haven't considered that you intend to enter a date there - perhaps because the following multiplication. Had I done so, I would have constructed the second input differently, perhaps like this.

    ' aaa has a value from previous use
    do While Len(aaa)
        aaa = InputBox("Enter Laycan Start Date")
        If IsDate(aaa) Then
            Cells(ar, "C").Value = DateSerial(aaa)
            Cells(ar, "D").Value = DateSerial(aaa) * 3
            Range(Cells(ar, "C"), Cells(ar, "D")).Numberformat = "dd-mm-yyyy"
            Exit do
        End If