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Send input value in WScript.Shell inside HTA application

I'm trying to make a restart application that takes seconds from the HTML input button and sends it to JS function which contains WScript.Shell.

function languages(){
  var test = document.getElementById("myInput").value;

  var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
  var path = "shutdown -r -t " & test;,1,false);
<div align="center">
  <img src="restartICO.png" />
  <input id="myInput" type="number" />
  <button class="blokirebaARA2" onclick="languages();"
    title="შლის ენებს და ამატებს ხელახლა GE & RUS">GE-RUS</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

I don't know how to pass variable correctly in htis format


  • This is how you send variables inside HTA application:

    function restart(){
      var testr = document.getElementById("myInput").value;
      if (testr == "") {
      var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
      var path = "shutdown -r -f -t 0";,1,false);
      else {
      var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
      var path = "shutdown -r -f -t " + testr;,1,false);

    var path = "shutdown -r -f -t " + testr