I’m working in a project with Rest-API in the server by using asp.net core 3.1, angular as front for single page application. From each client, the user would need to supply their username and password in order to access protected parts of the web API. I would like to use the features of Identity Server to access the ASP.NET Core Identity UserManager, RoleManager, and SignInManagers to determine if the supplied username and password is valid.
I haven't ever been done this before and I tried to search about this on Internet but not much info I could find. I would like some help of which nuget packages to use, and how should I configure startup.
I haven't done this with Angular in particular (I use vue), but it's basically the same concept. A quick Google search turned up an Angular specific tutorial that might be worth looking through: https://fullstackmark.com/post/21/user-authentication-and-identity-with-angular-aspnet-core-and-identityserver. On the IS4 side, I would suggest starting with the Asp.Net Identity IS4 template (https://identityserver4.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstarts/6_aspnet_identity.html)