I have three game objects A, B and C. A is the parent of B and B is the parent of C. A is rigidbody and main moving object. B is non rigid transform object which rotates from 0,0,0 to 0,0,45 constantly. I want that when When B rotates the B's child C also rotate but its local y axis must be 0 (locked). For example each wiper of old school buses have also a sub wiper when main wiper moves, the sub wiper also moves bus its axis remains vertical. Thats what i want. Plz any body help...
The simplest solution is to simply have the C object update its rotation so that transform.up
is always the same value.
Vector3 upDir;
void Awake()
upDir = transform.up;
void Update()
transform.up = upDir;
If you're interested in keeping its rotation the same as the grandparent, just set its rotation to be equal to that of the grandparent:
transform aTransform;
void Awake()
aTransform = transform.parent.parent;
void Update()
transform.rotation = aTransform.rotation;