The docs on this seem really straightforward, but for some reason it's not working for me. I can see that the conditional evaluates correctly, but for some reason the array value doesn't change.
* def requestBody =
"containerId": "#(randomContainer.containerId)",
"status": "cancel",
"closureDetails": {
"closedDate": "#(closeRemovalDate)",
"closedReason": "#(closedReason.description)"
"removeContainerInd": true,
"containerRemovalDetails": {
"removalDate": "#(closeRemovalDate)",
"removalDateChangeReason": "CUSTOMER REQUEST"
"poNumber": "None",
"notes": "Moving"
* def container2 =
"containerId": "#(randomContainer.odsContainerId)",
"status": "cancel",
"closureDetails": {
"closedDate": "#(closeContainer2)",
"closedReason": "#(closedReason.description)"
"removeContainerInd": true,
"containerRemovalDetails": {
"removalDate": "#(removalContainer2)",
"removalDateChangeReason": "Weather"
"poNumber": "123",
"notes": "By the gate"
* if (<multiContainer>) {karate.append(requestBody, container2);}
is set to true.
Use appendTo instead of append.
Sample Code:
Feature: Validation
* def requestBody =
"containerId": "#(randomContainer.containerId)",
"status": "cancel",
"closureDetails": {
"closedDate": "#(closeRemovalDate)",
"closedReason": "#(closedReason.description)"
"removeContainerInd": true,
"containerRemovalDetails": {
"removalDate": "#(closeRemovalDate)",
"removalDateChangeReason": "CUSTOMER REQUEST"
"poNumber": "None",
"notes": "Moving"
* def container2 =
"containerId": "#(randomContainer.odsContainerId)",
"status": "cancel",
"closureDetails": {
"closedDate": "#(closeContainer2)",
"closedReason": "#(closedReason.description)"
"removeContainerInd": true,
"containerRemovalDetails": {
"removalDate": "#(removalContainer2)",
"removalDateChangeReason": "Weather"
"poNumber": "123",
"notes": "By the gate"
* def a = 1
* if (a == 1) {karate.appendTo(requestBody, container2);}
* print requestBody