Can anybody explain me difference between last() and takeLast() methods ? As documentation tell:
last() - Emit the last element observed before complete signal as a Mono, or emit NoSuchElementException error if the source was empty. For a passive version use takeLast(int)
takeLast() - Emit the last N values this Flux emitted before its completion.
As for me it's the same. I can not understand the differences. Can someone explain me with a simple example? Thanks in advance
takeLast(int n)
accepts integer indicating how many elements should be left in the stream
Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4)
Will result with
Meanwhile, last()
method is only about the very last emitted element.
Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4)
The output is
Conclusion: takeLast(1)
equals to last()