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How to include logging scope into the log file using NLog

I'm using NLog.Extensions.Logging.

When registering a logger factory using the method AddNLog(), it is possible to enable logging scope using NLogProviderOptions.IncludeScopes.

But how to make NLog write logging scope to a file?

I haven't found anything similar in the list of available layouts


  • An example:

    Log like this:

    // logger is here of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger
    using (logger.BeginScope(new[] { new KeyValuePair<string, object>("userid", request.UserId) }))
       logger.LogDebug("My log message");

    Render like this: ${mdlc:userid}.

    For example in the file target:

     <target name="file" xsi:type="File"
         layout="${longdate} ${logger} ${message}${exception:format=ToString}, user: ${mdlc:userid}" 
         fileName="${basedir}/${shortdate}.log" />

    Note: NLogProviderOptions.IncludeScopes is enabled by default.

    NLog directly

    The syntax is a bit clumsy, but that is because Microsoft's abstraction is a bit limited. See also this issue: .NET - Logging structured data without it appearing in the text message

    If you refer NLog directly, you could also do:

    using (NLog.MappedDiagnosticsLogicalContext.SetScoped("userid", request.UserId))
       // logger here of type NLog.Logger
       logger.Info("My log message");

    Also this is rendered with ${mdlc:userid}

    More examples and different scopes for NLog explained here


    PS: I have updated available layouts, so you could find it easier :)

    enter image description here