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Exclude multiple cells from range

My question is how can I remove a cell or cells from a range object? I asked something very similar earlier and some people pointed me to this question: Remove cell from Range (object)

Accepted answer:

Function getExcluded(ByVal rngMain As Range, rngExc As Range) As Range
    Dim rngTemp     As Range
    Dim rng         As Range

    Set rngTemp = rngMain
    Set rngMain = Nothing

    For Each rng In rngTemp
        If rng.Address <> rngExc.Address Then
            If rngMain Is Nothing Then
                Set rngMain = rng
                Set rngMain = Union(rngMain, rng)
            End If
        End If

    Set getExcluded = rngMain
End Function

Sub test()
    MsgBox getExcluded(Range("A1:M10000"), Range("a10")).Address
End Sub

The accepted answer only works if the excluded range is a single cell - at least that's how it was for me when I tried it. My cells to be excluded have usually more than one cell, so I tried to adapt the code:

My try:

Function getExcluded(ByVal rngMain As Range, rngExcl As Range) As Range
    Dim rngTemp As Range
    Dim cellTemp As Range, cellExcl As Range

    Set rngTemp = rngMain
    Set rngMain = Nothing

    For Each cellTemp In rngTemp 'go through all cells in established range
        If Intersect(cellTemp, rngExcl) Is Nothing Then 'check for each cell if it intersects with the range to be excluded; no overlap -> put it into rngMain
            If rngMain Is Nothing Then
                Set rngMain = cellTemp
                rngMain = Union(rngMain, cellTemp)
            End If

            Debug.Print "cellTemp: " & cellTemp.Address
            Debug.Print "rngMain: " & rngMain.Address

        End If
    Next cellTemp

    Set getExcluded = rngMain

Sub test5()

    getExcluded(Range("A1:D3"), Range("B1:C1")).Select
End Sub

The problem seems to occur in the line Set rngMain = Union(rngMain, rng). My Debug.Print statements tell me that cellTemp is being iterated through as it should; however, even though the line with Union gets executed and no matter what cellTemp is, rngMain stays $A$1

What am I doing wrong?


  • Building on @Nathan_Sav.

    This will allow the addition of many exclude ranges:

    Function testexclude(rngMain As Range, ParamArray rngExclude() As Variant) As Range
    Dim i As Long
    For i = LBound(rngExclude, 1) To UBound(rngExclude, 1)
        Dim rngexcluderng As Range
        If rngexcluderng Is Nothing Then
            Set rngexcluderng = rngExclude(i)
            Set rngexcluderng = Union(rngexcluderng, rngExclude(i))
        End If
    Next i
    Dim c As Range
    For Each c In rngMain
        If Intersect(c, rngexcluderng) Is Nothing Then
            Dim r As Range
            If r Is Nothing Then
                Set r = c
                Set r = Union(r, c)
            End If
        End If
    Next c
    Set testexclude = r
    End Function