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How to use trackedRaycast(_:updateHandler:) method in ARKit?

Repeats a ray-cast query over time to notify you of updated surfaces in the physical environment.

How to use this func in ARKit?

func trackedRaycast(_ query: ARRaycastQuery, 
              updateHandler: @escaping ([ARRaycastResult]) -> Void) -> ARTrackedRaycast?


  • Apple Developer documentation says the following about trackedRaycast():

    trackedRaycast(_:updateHandler:) instance method repeats a ray-cast query over time to notify you of updated surfaces in the physical environment. A tracked ray cast wraps a ray-cast query that the ARSession calls repeatedly, each time invoking your update handler to provide you with new results. When you're ready to stop a tracked ray cast, call stopTracking().

    So, here's a code snippet that you can use in your project:

    import RealityKit
    import ARKit
    @IBOutlet var arView: ARView!
    let scene = try! Experience.loadScene()
    let raycastQuery: ARRaycastQuery = .init(origin: [0,0,0],
                                          direction: [7,7,7],
                                           allowing: .estimatedPlane,
                                          alignment: .horizontal)
    let repeatRaycast = self.arView.session.trackedRaycast(raycastQuery) { results in
        // Update Handler's content
        guard let result: ARRaycastResult = results.first
        else { return }
        let anchor = AnchorEntity(world: result.worldTransform)

    Then you can stop tracking:
