Search code examples

How can I filter data comparing two JSON's and to save the result in an array

I need to extract all Posts Titles from an JSON API using another JSON API of users and after that to extract the count of comments for each Post. Here I have:

  1. API for USERS:
  2. API for POSTS:
  3. API for COMMENTS:

In Users I have a unique ID, in Posts I have UserID and in comments I have PostID.

For the moment I extracted all data from all three API's in three arrays. Now I need to create two functions:

  • getPostsTitleForSelectedUser()
  • getNumberOfCommentsForEachPost()

Here is a part of code:

    class UserDetailsController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var detailsTableView: UITableView!

    var usersArray = [User]()
    var postsArray = [Post]()
    var commentsArray = [Comment]()

    func getPostsTitleForSelectedUser() -> String{
        let postTitle: String? = "POST TITLE FOR TEST"
        return postTitle!
    func getNumberOfCommentsForEachPost() -> String{
        let comments = "4131231231"
        return comments



  • Try something like this

    func getPostsTitleForSelectedUser(user: User) -> [String] {
        return postsArray.filter { (post) -> Bool in
            post.userId ==
            }.map { (post) -> String in
                return post.title
    func getNumberOfCommentsForEachPost(post: Post) -> Int {
        return commentsArray.filter { (comment) -> Bool in
            comment.postId ==