Q) I want to be able to parse a string in js and output the parts of the string that are either a number or a fraction.
e.g: "1.5 litres 1/4 cup"
Note: I've already figured out how to get the whole numbers and decimals from the example string below, but not the fraction representations.
I'm currently using something like this:
const originalString = "1.5 litres 1/4 cup";
var number_regex = /[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?/g;
var matches = [];
var match;
// FIX - does this ever actually get stuck ?
// replace this with non-while loop from article: http://danburzo.ro/string-extract/
while ((match = number_regex.exec(originalString)) !== null) {
original: match[0],
newVal: ''
You could use this to extract each number as an array of strings
const input = `Take 1.5 litres 1/4 cup of sugar
and 2ml or 2/3 teaspoon or salt
then take 5 litres of 2.5% vinegar`
const regex = /[+-]?\d+(?:[\.\/]?\d+)?/gm
[...input.matchAll(regex)].map(a => a[0])
// returns ["1.5", "1/4", "2", "2/3", "5", "2.5"]