I display uml diagram from JointJS demo https://github.com/clientIO/joint/tree/master/demo/umlcd in Angular 8 and I get an error: joint.shapes.uml.js:13 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Generic' of undefined
at joint.shapes.uml.js:13
at joint.shapes.uml.js:280
joint.shapes.uml.js: https://github.com/clientIO/joint/blob/master/dist/joint.shapes.uml.js
What am I doing wrong?
Here's my code:
"$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",
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"test": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:karma",
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Typescript file with jointJS demo code:
(I had to make changes in the demo code like: each diagram entity must have an array of attributes and methods and property name must be of type String [] instead of String. Without these changes the demo code didn't work.)
import { Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as joint from 'jointjs';
selector: 'app-demo',
templateUrl: './demo.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./demo.component.css']
export class DemoComponent implements OnInit{
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {
private createDiagram(): void {
var graph = new joint.dia.Graph();
new joint.dia.Paper({
el: document.getElementById('paper'),
width: 1000,
height: 600,
model: graph,
gridSize: 1,
var uml = joint.shapes.uml;
var classes = {
mammal: new uml.Interface({
position: { x:300 , y: 150 },
size: { width: 240, height: 100 },
name: ['Mammal'],
attributes: ['dob: Date'],
methods: ['+ setDateOfBirth(dob: Date): Void','+ getAgeAsDays(): Numeric'],
attrs: {
'.uml-class-name-rect': {
fill: '#feb662',
stroke: '#000000',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-attrs-rect': {
fill: '#fdc886',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-methods-rect': {
fill: '#fdc886',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-attrs-text': {
ref: '.uml-class-attrs-rect',
'ref-y': 0.5,
'y-alignment': 'middle'
'.uml-class-methods-text': {
ref: '.uml-class-methods-rect',
'ref-y': 0.5,
'y-alignment': 'middle'
person: new uml.Abstract({
position: { x:300 , y: 300 },
size: { width: 260, height: 100 },
name: ['Person'],
attributes: ['firstName: String','lastName: String'],
methods: ['+ setName(first: String, last: String): Void','+ getName(): String'],
attrs: {
'.uml-class-name-rect': {
fill: '#68ddd5',
stroke: '#ffffff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-attrs-rect': {
fill: '#9687fe',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-methods-rect': {
fill: '#9687fe',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-methods-text, .uml-class-attrs-text': {
fill: '#fff'
bloodgroup: new uml.Class({
position: { x:20 , y: 190 },
size: { width: 220, height: 100 },
name: ['BloodGroup'],
attributes: ['bloodGroup: String'],
methods: ['+ isCompatible(bG: String): Boolean'],
attrs: {
'.uml-class-name-rect': {
fill: '#ff8450',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5,
'.uml-class-attrs-rect': {
fill: '#fe976a',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-methods-rect': {
fill: '#fe976a',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-attrs-text': {
ref: '.uml-class-attrs-rect',
'ref-y': 0.5,
'y-alignment': 'middle'
'.uml-class-methods-text': {
ref: '.uml-class-methods-rect',
'ref-y': 0.5,
'y-alignment': 'middle'
address: new uml.Class({
position: { x:630 , y: 190 },
size: { width: 160, height: 100 },
name: ['Address'],
attributes: ['houseNumber: Integer','streetName: String','town: String','postcode: String'],
methods: [],
attrs: {
'.uml-class-name-rect': {
fill: '#ff8450',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-attrs-rect': {
fill: '#fe976a',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-methods-rect': {
fill: '#fe976a',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-attrs-text': {
'ref-y': 0.5,
'y-alignment': 'middle'
man: new uml.Class({
position: { x:200 , y: 500 },
size: { width: 180, height: 50 },
name: ['Man'],
attributes: [],
methods: [],
attrs: {
'.uml-class-name-rect': {
fill: '#ff8450',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-attrs-rect': {
fill: '#fe976a',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-methods-rect': {
fill: '#fe976a',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
woman: new uml.Class({
position: { x:450 , y: 500 },
size: { width: 180, height: 50 },
name: ['Woman'],
attributes: [],
methods: ['+ giveABrith(): Person []'],
attrs: {
'.uml-class-name-rect': {
fill: '#ff8450',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-attrs-rect': {
fill: '#fe976a',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-methods-rect': {
fill: '#fe976a',
stroke: '#fff',
'stroke-width': 0.5
'.uml-class-methods-text': {
'ref-y': 0.5,
'y-alignment': 'middle'
Object.keys(classes).forEach(function(key) {
var relations = [
new uml.Generalization({ source: { id: classes.man.id }, target: { id: classes.person.id }}),
new uml.Generalization({ source: { id: classes.woman.id }, target: { id: classes.person.id }}),
new uml.Implementation({ source: { id: classes.person.id }, target: { id: classes.mammal.id }}),
new uml.Aggregation({ source: { id: classes.person.id }, target: { id: classes.address.id }}),
new uml.Composition({ source: { id: classes.person.id }, target: { id: classes.bloodgroup.id }})
Object.keys(relations).forEach(function(key) {
In your angular.json
the order of scripts to include in the build is wrong.
should be executed after joint.js
is executed.
Correct order
"scripts": [