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Ionic 4 IonSlides slideTo and getActiveIndex not working when used inside IonTab

I have a ion slides in a page like this:

<ion-slides #schemasliderref [options]="schemaSliderOpts" (ionSlideDidChange)="slideChange()">
    <ion-slide  *ngFor="let schemaImage of schemaImages; let i = index">
      <img [src]="schemaImage.url">

And this is my component:

export class TabSchemes implements OnInit {
public schemaImages = [
        url: 'some url',
        label: 'Immagine 1 Immagine 1 Immagine 1 Immagine 1 Immagine 1 Immagine 1 Immagine 1 Immagine 1 Immagine 1 Immagine 1 Immagi'
        url: 'some url',
        label: 'Immagine 2'
        url: 'some url',
        label: 'Immagine 3'

public schemaSliderOpts: any = {};
public schemaSliderActiveIndex = 0;
@ViewChild('schemasliderref', {static: false}) schemaSliderRef: IonSlides;

ngOnInit() {
    this.schemaSliderOpts = {
        initialSlide: this.schemaSliderActiveIndex,
        speed: 400,
        direction: 'vertical'

onSchemaLabelClick(slideIndex) {
    this.schemaSliderActiveIndex = slideIndex;
    console.log('label click ' + slideIndex);

slideChange() {
    console.log('slide changing');
    this.schemaSliderRef.getActiveIndex().then((index) => {
        this.schemaSliderActiveIndex = index;
        console.log('slide change ' + index);

The problem is that neither the slideTo and the getActiveIndex method works, I also tried waiting for the catch of the promises but nothing occurres. Can someone help me figure out why?

UPDATE: My ionslide is inside a IonTab. I’ve tryied inserting directly the slide in the page without the tab and everything works fine. Any idea why the tabs break the slide?


  • Turns out, the problem was caused by the slider being included in a Tab, solution found here