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python installation fails with File "", line 1023, SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I am trying to install python3.8.1 on a RHEL 7 server. It is an offline installation. The python folder is untared and stored in a folder in the server. After redirecting myself into the folder where the file is located. I run

master1 Python-3.8.1]$ sudo python install-sh

  File "", line 1023
    libraries=[panel_library, *curses_libs]))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I cant find a solution. Appreciate help


  • You are trying to install python with source code zipped in tgz. So, you will need to compile it and then install it.

    Once you unzip, refer readme.rst file.

    Build Instructions

    On Unix, Linux, BSD, macOS, and Cygwin::

    make test
    sudo make install

    This will install Python as python3.

    I think you are using command to install packages offline using, that won't work for python fresh installation