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"The dll is not allowed to be included or could not be found" while building unity3d SignalR

I'm using unity 2017.2 and ran into this error while building for APK file

ArgumentException: The Assembly System.Reflection.Emit is referenced by 
('Assets/Plugins/Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Core.dll'). But the dll is not 
allowed to be included or could not be found.
UnityEditor.AssemblyHelper.AddReferencedAssembliesRecurse (System.String 
assemblyPath, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] alreadyFoundAssemblies, 
System.String[] allAssemblyPaths, System.String[] foldersToSearch, 
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] cache, 
UnityEditor.BuildTarget target) (at 
UnityEditor.AssemblyHelper.FindAssembliesReferencedBy (System.String[] paths, 
System.String[] foldersToSearch, UnityEditor.BuildTarget target) (at 
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

My project need to use .Net 4.6. So, I have changed it in player setting. I don't have any error when I click play in the editor but when I want to build it, this is where it fail.

Hopefully someone can help me on this. Thank you


  • I have found the solution to this question in another thread.

    You can find it in this link.

    Hopefully someone can benefit from my answer.