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How to prevent unwanted tooltip pop-up in Infragistics ComboBoxTool on ribbon control (winforms)

I have a ComboBoxTool on an UltraToolbarsManager implementing a ribbon control. No matter what I set the ToolTipText to it always displays a tooltip:

enter image description here

[e.g. mousing over the gdg combo show this]

I have tried setting all the other tooltip related attributes (ToolTipTextFormatted, ToolTipTitle) to null but this doesn't help.

  • If a non-zero length tooltip text is specified then this shows as expected
  • The ribbon child controls are all added programatically
  • The other controls on the ribbon do not have this issue

I have also tried setting-up a very simple ribbon on a dummy project and that does not exhibit this strange behaviour. So it is something else that is effecting this.


  • Infragistics supplied an answer:

    1. Add your own CreationFilter to the ToolbarsManager

      ultraToolbarsManager1.CreationFilter = new MyCreation();

    2. Catch the tool creation and replace the tooltip with your own implementation

      public class MyCreation : IUIElementCreationFilter  {
          private readonly int max;
          public MyCreation()
          public MyCreation(int toolTipMaxWidth)
              max = toolTipMaxWidth;
          public void AfterCreateChildElements(UIElement parent)
              parent.ToolTipItem = new MyToolTipItem(max);
          public bool BeforeCreateChildElements(UIElement parent)
              return false;
      public class MyToolTipItem : IToolTipItem   {
          private readonly int max;
          public MyToolTipItem(int maxWidth)
              max = maxWidth;
          public MyToolTipItem()
          public ToolTipInfo GetToolTipInfo(Point mousePosition, UIElement element, UIElement previousToolTipElement,
                                        ToolTipInfo toolTipInfoDefault)
              // set tooltip info for ribbon ApplicationMenuButton
              var app = element as ApplicationMenuButtonUIElement;
              if (app != null)
                  var appmenu = ((UltraToolbarsDockAreaUIElement) ((app.Parent).Parent)).ToolbarsManager.Ribbon.ApplicationMenu;
                  if (max > 0)
                      toolTipInfoDefault.MaxWidth = max;
                  toolTipInfoDefault.Title = appmenu.ToolTipTitle;
                  string tooltiptex = appmenu.ToolTipText;
                  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appmenu.ToolTipTextFormatted))
                      toolTipInfoDefault.ToolTipTextStyle = ToolTipTextStyle.Formatted;
                      tooltiptex = appmenu.ToolTipTextFormatted;
                  toolTipInfoDefault.ToolTipText = tooltiptex;
              // set tooltip info for tools
              if (element.ToolTipItem != null && UIElement.IsContextOfType(element.GetContext(), typeof (ToolBase)))
                  var tool = (ToolBase) element.GetContext(typeof (ToolBase));
                  var loc = tool.ToolbarsManager.DockWithinContainer.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0));
              loc.Offset(tool.UIElement.Rect.Location.X, 185);
                  if (max > 0)
                      toolTipInfoDefault.MaxWidth = max;
              toolTipInfoDefault.Title = tool.SharedProps.ToolTipTitle;
              string tooltiptex = tool.SharedProps.ToolTipText;
                  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tool.SharedProps.ToolTipTextFormatted))
                      toolTipInfoDefault.ToolTipTextStyle = ToolTipTextStyle.Formatted;
                      tooltiptex = tool.SharedProps.ToolTipTextFormatted;
                  toolTipInfoDefault.ToolTipText = tooltiptex;
                  toolTipInfoDefault.DisplayStyle = Infragistics.Win.ToolTipDisplayStyle.Office2007;
                  toolTipInfoDefault.Location = loc;
              return toolTipInfoDefault;

    Required a bit of tweaking to get the tooltip in the right place and pick-up the tooltip text from TooltipTextResolved.